Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Re-Decorating: The Living Room

 I am the type of person who does not like white walls. Well I am okay with them but I cannot live in a house with nothing but white walls. It's like living in a rental to me where I am not allowed to do anything.  Don't get me wrong some people can decorate with white walls and make the room look awesome. I am not one of those people. I am just an amateur.

So our living room has been bothering me for the last several years. It's an open concept so there are really only 2 walls to paint. Today we finally did it! A little bit of paint, some new curtains, and new picture arrangements and voila! A living room where I feel at home in. I like our furniture plus it's too expensive to replace them all so they all stayed.

  1. We used Olympic One interior semi-gloss paint with low voc. Let me tell you this stuff is the bomb! You could not smell anything!!! I even let little princess help paint.  
  2. We chose the color dolphin's cove. It is a light blue with a little green in it. It's very calming and looks  great in all the different light.
  3. A little bit of the finished project and you can see where we left it white. (that runs down a hallway)
  4. The other wall we painted. I bought silk looking curtains from JCPenney the Royal Velvet Britton curtain panels in Sandshell. They were on sale plus I had a coupon so $30 for both! :-)

I really loved how it all turned out. I may add some more pictures to some walls but that's about it.

The color scheme was inspired by a Pinterest pin Beach Decor Color Palette

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Staycation 2014

Staycation is defined by Merriam-Webster as a vacation spent at home or nearby. This is what we are doing this week. So far so good minus a sick princess.

So far this week we visited my parents and went to the aquarium, my parents came back here with us, and today a quick trip to a small local amusement park. We have plans to fix the fence gate and a little re-decorating.

Our trip to the amusement park was fun and she was able to ride most of the rides. She pooped out and started running a fever so we  had to cut it short. She says she still had fun. We had to buy her a jacket because it was chillier then expected.

It's good to be off work. We are going to fly by the seat of our pants for the rest of the week. What are some things you do on staycation?

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Today we took the little Miss to the Aquarium for the first time. She seemed to enjoy it. 

It was a bit hot and a little too many people for me. It bothered me when adults would block exhibits and kids could not see anything. 

It was overall a really nice and a great day together. She was very well behaved and interested in everything. 

She really loved seeing the Jelly fish and shark exhibits. What are some of your kid's favorites?

Monday, July 21, 2014

One of Those Days

Have you ever just had one of those days? The ones that are just chaotic, stressful, and draining? I'm sure you have, if not you are lucky!

Today is that day for me.  Lots going on in our house this week and next.  It's like your mind has been torn out of your head and put back in after being run through a blender. Yes my mind feels like that today and I'm exhausted.  

So tonight after I tuck my princess in I think I will lay down and read. It's just not a night I can focus on crocheting, it's one where I need to focus on getting lost between the pages and sucked into the characters.

What do you do to help with the mind mush?

Thursday, July 17, 2014

My Daughter's Hearing Loss

Once upon a time I took my daughter on her 5th birthday for her routine check up/ kindergarten physical.  During this appointment she failed the hearing test part of the physical.  This was the first time she had taken a hearing test where she had to raise her hand. They thought because of her age that maybe she just didn't follow directions however she did read and pass the alphabet version of the eye test.  So they could not sign off on the hearing part of her physical.

Next we were referred to an audiologist to double check her hearing. It was the same as the first test at the pediatrician's office. They then did another test where she didn't need to raise her hand and it too was the same as the first two tests.  We were then told our daughter has Bilateral High Frequency Sensioneural Hearing Loss.

Bilateral High Frequency Sensioneural Hearing Loss according to the American Hearing Reasearch Foundation and Wikipedia its a type of hearing loss in which the root cause lies in the vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII), the inner ear, or central processing centers of the brain. Sensorineural hearing loss can be mild, moderate, or severe, including total deafness. Most sensory hearing loss is due to poor hair cell function. The hair cells may be abnormal at birth, or damaged during the lifetime of an individual. There are both external causes of damage, like noise trauma and infection, and intrinsic abnormalities, like deafness genes. Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss, occurring in 23% of population older than 65 years of age. The term “sensorineural” is used to indicate that there is either a cochlear or an eighth nerve lesion. The diagnosis of a sensorineural pattern hearing loss is made through audiometry, which shows a significant hearing loss without the “air-bone gap” that is characteristic of conductive hearing disturbances.

All of a sudden we were thrust into a world we were not prepared for. So many different emotions ran through me that day.  I definitely went through the grief process. We thought we were finally in the clear of specialists etc. (That's a story for another day) and moving forward. So many questions I had about the process and if I caused this to her in some way.

A whirlwind of activity began. CAT scans of her head to make sure this wasn't a structural issue with the bones of her ears itself. That was negative. It's straight damaged cilia in her ear that to this day we have no idea what it is caused from. Getting medical assistance started in order to pay for her hearing aids, appointments etc. was a struggle. Contacting her elementary school to let them know she would need hearing aids and an IEP with the hearing support teacher to help her adjust (she does not qualify for academic help she's on track with that thankfully). Here is my precious baby going to a new school where she knew no one else and now she has these new hearing aids.


Needless to say when we first told her about them she was very upset. She fought us on it. We even had a book from her audiologist from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse that explains it all to her. Once she accepted all of this to a point, we talked with her and her teacher about how she wanted to approach the class. She decided to read the Mickey Mouse book to her class and show them. We are very lucky that her peers accepted her as nothing had changed. I think that was good for her.

Edited on 7/18/14 to add the following picture of the book made by Disney for Siemens:

The only indication we had looking back that she may have had hearing loss was the fact that she did not like high pitched or loud noises. She would cover her hears if she heard a motorcycle or trash truck, certain peoples voices she would do the same, automatic toilets were the devil and caused meltdowns of epic proportions.  So we just avoided things that were loud like the movies or bowling. We just adjusted our life to make her more comfortable with out realizing she had an issue. She past all her previous hearing tests, passed speech screenings and academic ones. 

She can hear a large portion of language and what she can't hear it's now bridged with the hearing aids as her hearing goes back up at a certain frequency but not ever really hearing it before it caused her pain. They may not allow her to decipher some sounds still but she has a better shot. The sounds in the frequency she is missing are like an older person who knows you're saying something but cannot quite catch it.  There is no cure and we have no idea of the future. This could get worse. We have no idea.

Here is a picture of her type of hearing loss. This isn't her exact audiogram or line but basically anything below the line she can hear and anything above she cannot hear and/or decipher.

The unknown drives me crazy. We don't know if her earlier illness in life caused this, maybe something in utero, we can't think of any young family members having this. I still feel guilty thinking it's something from me that has caused her this life long issue. I tried to do everything right during the pregnancy, I tried my very best when it got rough to stay calm, and maybe it's just in me genetically.

I'm very thankful she is a strong willed and resilient child. I'm thankful her peers treat her the same but think she has supersonic super hero hearing now.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Manic Monday: brought to you by...

Not feeling well! Ughh I was not feeling well today. I was up all night. Not a good way to start the week. I hope the rest of my week is better and this isn't an indication of what's to come.

What do you do when your Monday starts out cruddy?

Me: 1 Mondays: 3

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Arts Fest

Our town every year has a big arts festival downtown and one a few miles away. It's a great time.

Now that she is older we insist on her walking and not riding in a stroller. She does not like this. Princess states her little legs can't do it. That there's not enough miles on her legs :-) 

Today she walked the entire time with us without complaint! Win! She's growing up right before our eyes.

We had a great time ate ice cream and funnel cake along with seeing some really awesome artists. We bought some cards that we are turning into a collage of pictures. 

I'll post that when we start it. I'm excited.

What things do you do to help your child walk and not rely on a stroller as they age? 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Doctor On Demand

I have codes a plenty for some readers. I have free visit codes and a $10 off coupon!!!

Hello Hobbies: Granny Square Style

After finishing my future nephews blanket I decided that my own child needs a handmade blanket. I had been seeing granny squares everywhere and thought about just making a bunch of random squares then eventually putting them together.

So off to youtube and my favorite crocheter Bobwilson123 I learned the granny square! It was right up my ally not having to always count too much and she also showed us that you could continue the square as long as you like in order to make it bigger.

Ahh happy times.

The blanket started out as a purple square that grew to blue. Princess has an obsession with Frozen so I had to add Elsa blue :-)

Then I got into it and added this extra yarn I had  laying around that was purple, blue and pink. After that one row I went back to alternating blue and purple.

This is what I have done so far. I will continue to grow it with purple for the rest.  If she was a baby this would be a perfect size. What do you think??? Not bad for firs time. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Doctor On Demand ...My experience...Giveaway

***This is a sponsored post/conversation on behalf of Doctor On Demand. All opinions are my own.***

I had an opportunity to try out the Doctor On Demand app. The app itself is free and you can download it from iTunes or Google Play.  I was a little skeptical to try this out as how could a doctor help me or my family via an app?

  • All doctors are US licensed and board certified
  • Cost is $40 (sometimes cheaper then co-pays)
  • All doctors are background checked before joining Doctor on Demand
  • Real time with or with out video
  • Dr. Phil is an adviser and his son Jay McGraw is co-founder of this app
I chose to speak with one of their doctors about my migraine that I woke up with on July 4th. The app asks you a few questions such as who is this visit for, what are the issue(s), current medications and your basic demographics.

 It then gives you a general wait time and what number you are in line. I waited about 5 minutes. Not bad for a holiday!

I was then connected to one of their doctors who made sure that I could hear him properly. I did this through my cell phone.

(the above was not my doctor but the screen was the same)

The doctor verified the things I had submitted and asked for a little background.  Not once did I feel rushed or like an inconvenience to my doctor. He was very professional, nice and knowledgeable. I even learned some new things about my migraines and the medications I take for them that I did not previously know. It was great! I tend to have random health things a lot so this was very convenient.

At the end of our "visit" he made sure I understood what we talked about and if I needed anything else. Once the session was closed I was asked to rate and review my doctor. You are also given the option to favorite a doctor for future reference if they are available.

I had a great experience and would in fact use it again. Mind you this is not for any life threatening uses or serious injuries. 911 is always best for that.

Some common uses are:

  • Upper Respiratory Infection
  • Cold
  • Cough
  • Influenza
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Lab Interpretation
  • Allergies
  • Fever

Please visit their website for more information about appropriate and not appropriate uses. 

Doctor on Demand          
Doctor on Demand Facebook Page
Follow Doctor on Demand on Twitter

Google Play Store


We would like to celebrate the fact that you can now talk to a board certified doctor (on demand!) from the comfort of your own home, thanks to the Doctor on Demand app.... with a great giveaway

The $200 Target Gift Card Giveaway will end on July 22nd. It is open to US residents, 18+ only. Please use the Giveaway Tools Form below to enter! Good Luck! 

Disclosures: The participating bloggers are not responsible for prize fulfillment. Giveaway is open to US residents, age 18+ only. The giveaway will close at 11:59PM EST on 7/22/14. One winner will be selected randomly from all eligible entries. If you have any questions about this giveaway or would like to inquire about group events like this, please contact the Blogging Mamas Network at

Monday, July 7, 2014

Pinterest Project: Frozen Birthday Party Invitations

My one and only will be 6 in a few weeks and requested a Frozen themed party! I have been scouring Pinterest for ideas and have come across some great ones!

First I found a free pattern made by Mom Endeavors for her party invitations! I love them as they look like movie theater tickets. Mom Endeavors designed it and told you what fonts to use. I was able to add our information to it for free with PicMonkey. I also had left over invite paper from the baby shower so I just printed them out on our home printer!

Score! Free invites that are awesome! [sorry didn't want our address or phone number out there :-) ]

Not sure what I am going to do decoration/game wise. I am thinking of pin the nose on Olaf and probably some kind of bunting/banner.

I am not a good baker so we will order Frozen cupcakes from the store. I know, I know but trust me the tears that would come from me when I messed it up would not be worth it.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Doctor on Demand App

It is an app that is meant for non life threatening medical care that you can do from the comfort of your own home.

Dr. Phil is an adviser of this program and his son Jay McGraw is co-founder of the app. This is just a little quick basic on the app, more details and a great giveaway coming your way next week.

Wanna try it now? Download the app and use code TMM14 :-)

Stay tuned for a chance to win a free visit!

I am excited.

Friday, July 4, 2014

This Past Week

Sorry I have been a bad blogger this week. It has been crazy at work. Alas I will be out and about so to speak on this blog in the next few days :-)

Hold tight please :-)  On a side note the baby shower we threw for my sister in law last weekend was pretty awesome! I loved the theme.

We used the little red wagon as the theme. I bought all of the things for the theme from Bee and Daisy on

I don't want to infringe on Bee and Daisy so trust me when I say it was cute! 

This is the favors and favor holder :-) my Mom made for the party