Sunday, August 3, 2014

5 Things to Help with The End of Vacation Blues

Alas, our staycation is finally ending.  It has been a good but busy week even with a sick kiddo and not so great weather. It's the day before we go back to work and summer camp and we're all feeling it. The end of vacation blues.

So today we are trying to make the transition back to the real world smoother for tomorrow. The following are 5 things that we think will help with the end of vacation blues.

  1. Do something that is routinely done the day prior to going back to work etc. such as Sunday dinner.     
  2. Make sure everything is set up for the next day. I like to have all our lunch bags, clothes, and things  that can be gathered the night before set out and ready to go.
  3. Start putting together a photo album of sorts from your vacation. Do it together as a family let everyone have input. Enjoy the new memories you just made. 
  4. Mentally prepare yourself and family by going over the coming days schedule. Make sure to emphasize the fun things coming up like a field trip or in our case a birthday party. 
  5. Start researching and planning next year's vacation. Sounds odd but we like to plan and look at all possibilities. 

    Edited to add the following: These 5 things may not seem like much help, however they seem to work for us. I know they're not the most earth shattering things to do but hey it works for us so I thought I'd share with everyone and just maybe it could help someone out :-)

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