Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Cooking- Just one of my ramblings

I. Do. Not. Like. To. Cook.   I refuse to leave an appliance on all day that even new could cause a fire or short circuit who knows what.  I am not good at meal planning. We tend to just go with the flow and whatever everyone wants that is in the house since there is only 3 of us.

Does anyone else despise cooking as much as I do? I know this sounds lazy but seriously who has time to plan and cook an awesome meal after work  and all of her other activities? These things are more important that being a chef.

I was lucky my Mom cooked dinner a lot and made it look easy. Plus my food never tastes as good as hers.  I'm pretty sure you all think I'm lazy and are disgusted with me for not having this figured out when there is Pinterest and other things that can help me plan ahead or frozen  meals already ready to go if you pre prep them.

Sure we cook more in the summer due to the grill and feeling like we have more time due to more daylight but honestly the weekends are really the only days I feel like I can cook a decent meal and have time for it.

Now don't worry we do not eat out all of the time.  My husband cooks mostly and I am REALLY grateful for that. It does not bother him as much as it does me. In closing, I think my dislike comes from recipes and having to measure and do math essentially. I'm not good at math lol.

Thanks for reading this ramble. It felt good to get it out. 

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