Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

The Princess and I have been very blessed with the man she calls Daddy and I my husband. We've been through a lot as a family and a couple in the 10 years we have been together.  Through his father's death 6 weeks after our marriage, to law school and lsats, to a sick baby that never slept but Daddy still worked full time and went to law school part time taking 3-4 classes at a time.

Love of any kind is rocky. You must always work on your relationships to help them grow. Communication is key. We have learned that being and honest up from and excepting the others feelings is crucial.  Never go to bed angry. It will just fester.  We implement this with the Princess as well as apologizing. Mommy and Daddy are not perfect and we should be apologizing to her if we screwed up.

Father's are great. I have a very wonderful one who has been there for me through thick and thin.  He has kept my secrets and loved me unconditionally. I hope that we can be as good of parents as ours were. (My Mom is pretty awesome too however it is Father's Day :-)

I feel father's of girls have an even bigger influence on how their daughters perceive they should be treated in a relationship by how they interact with their Mom's. We always say I love you, hug and kiss much to Liv's dismay.  She thinks it's gross.  Father's show them kindness, tenderness, and respect.  Encouraging little girls to do anything regardless of gender roles is important.  The bond between Father and Daughter is beautiful.

So after all this rambling it has come down to mine and our guest poster none other then my daughter Olivia are giving you the top 5 things we love about her Dad.

1.  He does a lot and  a lot of things.
2.  He likes to play with me.
3.  He likes to make me pancakes for stay home day breakfast.
4.  He gives me hugs at bedtime.
5.  He puts on my shows.

1.  He is caring
2.  He is calm.
3.  He balances us girls out.
4.  He is my best friend.
5.  He loves his family.

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